Vernon Design Group is a multidisciplinary team that offers a ranBuilding design and urban designge of Building Design and Urban Design services for a variety of projects. Such project fields we service include:

  • Residential;
  • Commercial;
  • Retail;
  • Institutional;
  • Recreational; and
  • Industrial.

 Our services extend from the inception to completion of any project. This total service means we can take a project from:

  • A Concept;
  • Develop Design and Documentation Drawings for submission; and finally
  • Contract administration.

 Some clients, however, only request a particular phase of our services and we are happy to accommodate their requirements.

Vernon Design Group provides the services of Building Design and Urban Design, and we believe this gives us the unique ability at delivering projects at multiple scales, ranging from a single home or renovation to suburban sized development projects. Site specific place-making and innovation are at the heart of our methodical approach to design and we are excited to offer our skills, expertise and services to our clients.

 Owner Builder Options


Website-140715-P3bOne of the newest additions to our company is the development of what we refer to as Bare-Hands. Bare-Hands is forged from our family history of Fathers building a home for their family. We feel this personal investment in a family home can give great pride and satisfaction to people. However, we acknowledge that not everyone possesses the skills necessary to achieve this in a traditional sense. This is where Bare-Hands comes in play. Put simply, Bare-Hands is a building system that is manufactured and delivered to a site whereby it is then assembled and finished to a standard determined by the client, who operates as an owner-builder. We provide the design and documentation necessary for clients to essentially build their own house, addition, granny-flat, investment property or holiday house. We believe this innovation will revolutionise the building industry and we are excited to offer this service and opportunity to our clients.


Sea-Side is the utilisation of shipping containers as the basis for building projects. We believe there is a great deal of flexibility in utilising shipping containers for a variety of projects. We will have more information on this coming soon.


By incorporating innovative building construction techniques, the possibilities are only limited by imagination. Some of the benefits clients would experience include: fast build times, high quality finishes, low maintenance, greater thermal performance, low energy costs, and freedom of material selections. However, with this kind of construction method in mind, greater flexibility can be given to subdivisions and consequential site design. As a result, this innovation can be applied to redevelopment projects of various capacities and also open up development opportunities.


Many potential clients will want to know how much we charge. As we have mentioned, each project is site specific. This means it depends on what you want to achieve. What makes Vernon Design Group unique is that through our design and documentation, we can make considerable savings for our clients, and in many cases these savings have paid for our services. Only the best companies are capable of doing this and we have a unique ability at being able to design and achieve those designs for our clients. You can’t afford not to choose Vernon Design Group.